Accu Auto Backup Opencart Extension

Accu Auto Backup Opencart Extension

Accu Auto Backup Pro protect your database and files from any data loss. Making regular backups is vital to secure your store.
Backup makes it simple for you to protect data by copying and storing it on a separate folder, so you can get it quickly in case of any emergency.
This module simplifies this process and allows to schedule tasks, which run automatically on background. Old backups can be deleted, if the total
number of backups exceeds the determined number. Accu Auto Backup Pro helps to protect your web store, secures all information in your store database.


  • Schedule automatic backups for files and database
  • Create schedule (Daily, Every Other Day, Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly)
  • Create instant backup
  • Determine numbers of backup in setting
  • Backup creating in ZIP format so easily restored it.
  • Easy to install and configure it


  • Accu auto backup allow you to take backup as per schedule like ( Daily,Weekly,Monthly.. ).
  • All taken backup is stored in zip format, you can download.
  • It will allow you to take backup using two method in which one will be through automation and another have manual.


  • Opencart version 2.3.xx and 3.0.xx
  • PHP 5.6 required!
  • Linux based hosting having shell_exec permission enabled.
  • For windows based hosting you can have only manual option avaliable.


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